CDC Twisted the Definition of Vaccine

Nov 11, 2021

Learn what mainstream media keeps hidden from the public

Joel S Hirschhorn

CDC once was a federal agency that nearly everyone respected.  That no longer is the case.  Now there are many reasons why CDC should be widely disrespected.  Its latest debacle is how it changed the definition of vaccine.

Why would the government’s key public health agency change the definition of what a vaccine is in the midst of a pandemic?  After millions of Americans have taken the shot?  And millions more are being beaten into taking it for the first time and others to get booster shots.

Here is the key point.  Long after it became widely recognized by medical experts and informed citizens that COVID vaccines clearly did not fit the official CDC vaccine definition; CDC thought the answer was not to fix what was deficient with the COVID vaccines or stop their use by most people.  Their response was to change the vaccine definition to fit the so-called vaccines.

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