Day 43 of Year 2 Low-SOS Vegan Plan




# face exercise
# kickbox @ gym 60 min
# Lift rock bottom @ gym
# urban hike 60 min

WATER: (goal: > 75)
50.72 + 50.8 = 101.52 oz

* rolled oats, grape nuts, water, blueberries, blackstrap molasses, almond milk, banana, dehydrated barley alfalfa juice powder
* African Stew, from PlantPure Nation Cookbook (tomato, sweet potato, onion, chickpea, ground XL-peanuts, celery, coconut water, few shaved XL-coconut pieces, tapioca, carrots, garlic, curry powder) served over quinoa/cous-cous
* steamed broccoli
* gorilla salad (spinach, spring greens, broccoli, brussel sprouts, green cabbage, kale, chickory, sliced strawberries) dressed w/ sauerkraut & juice
* Rainforest Restaurant veggie burger (garbanzo beans, veggies, sesame seeds, bit of soy XL-oil (yuck!)… (oil wasn’t listed on menu, I had to ASK) served on oil-free sourdough XL-white toast (only oil-free bread option available) w/ avocado, lettuce, tomato, mustard
* side of broccoli (very dry & unseasoned (yuck!) b/c I requested no oil/salt)

{Wish restaurants understood variety of SOS-free flavoring options!}

* basic tomato pasta sauce w/ sauteed Engine 2 Fiesta Blend Grain Medley (brown rice, black beans, sweet corn, red bell peppers, poblano peppers) served on XL-processed (yuck!) spaghetti noodles
* sliced orange

{Challenging eat-day! 🙂 }


Cmmt: XL indicates uncommon extravagantly luscious food

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