My 13 Favorite Plant Based Proteins Sources

Today I will be sharing with you my 13 favorite plant based proteins.  Most are whole foods, some are minimally processed.  So if you are looking for ways to reach your protein goals then this video is for you. 
#plantbasedprotein #protein #wholefoodplantbased
Here is the list of my 13 favorite plant based proteins.  You can find these at most stores except for the protein powder.  I will leave a link for that below.
soy curls
Earth Chimp protein powder
tofu sheets
edamame pasta
lentil pasta
mung beans
pinto beans, chickpeas etc.

Secret of hypertension that doctors don’t know

The great secret of HTN, that doctors don’t know, is that POTASSIUM is more important than SODIUM. It’s common knowledge (although underestimated) that lowering dietary sodium improves BP. Few know (only the true philosophers, those destined for Elysian Fields) that K+ is more important than Na+. Ratio of potassium to sodium is called the “K factor.” When a population has a K factor of 5:1 or more, they hardly ever get HTN. Our ancestors likely had a K factor of around 20. Modern Americans tend to have a K factor of around .5 which is 10x lower than it should be; that’s why most Americans over 50 years old are hypertensive!

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Ozempic … Loss of Weight or Your Health!

Dr. Montgomery will discuss some of the details about the potential side effects of the new diabetes and weight loss drugs Ozempic and similar medications. He will also provide insights on how little is known about many medications that are released on the market. He will share insights from his clinical research and experience regarding how patients improve clinically with proper lifestyle changes over increasing medications.

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