California Proposition 16, Repeal Proposition 209 Affirmative Action Amendment (2020)

Hard to believe, but true. Calif tried (but failed, thank God) to repeal its civil rights legislation from its constitution. This could have set a precedence to potentially complicate vaccine mandate exemptions.,Repeal_Proposition_209_Affirmative_Action_Amendment(2020)

Paralysis of Hospital Care for COVID-19

Oct 26, 2021

There is a new term on the scene of contemporary COVID-19 care, and it is not a good one, “medical tyranny.” This refers to a totalitarian posture taken by doctors, nurses, and hospitals caring for patients with acute COVID-19. The isolation procedure has taken family members and loved ones away from the bedside, and now frightened, ill, and isolated patients through forms of video try to interact with healthcare providers about their inpatient treatment. 

There are innumerable reports of long lengths of stay, unhappy patients and family members, and clear evidence of therapeutic nihilism where patients are not offered the full continuum of care that optimally is started as an outpatient. Patients and family members should demand “shared decision making” and enforce a patient bill of rights that ensures all parties agree on the treatment course.  

In this program, we have Dr. Richard Amerling, MD, Chief Medical Officer for the American Frontline Doctors, who gives his analysis as it relates to medical tyranny among medical doctors who are entranced into waiting for large, randomized trials and guidelines based upon those trials. Courage, clinical skill, and judgment are qualities associated with outpatient doctors far more than hospitalists when it comes to acute COVID-19. It’s time for hospitals and their doctors to get up to speed

COVID Q & A with Dr. Peter McCullough, #7

Oct 25, 2021

Here are a few examples of the kind of questions that we will address on the program today, and much more:

– How could the Delta variant be more contagious than the original Sars Covid, since variant comes from it? Could it have been manipulated to be more contagious?

– I am a physician in a blue state and am in primary care trying to save patients with early treatment protocols. I heard Dr, McCullough say in his address to AAPS that we should not “die on the hill” for ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine. Is there a good protocol for early treatment that does not include these or monoclonal antibodies?

– I would like to know what Dr. McCullough thinks about the possible connection between vaccine side effects and inadvertent intravenous injection of the vaccine?

– Patient gets the Covid vaccine in January. Patient gets a positive Covid test in august. Moderate symptoms and recovered. Does this patient now have robust and long-lasting natural immunity from the infection in august? Similar to a person with natural immunity post-infection without the vaccine? If so, are all these people getting Covid after the vaccine contributing to herd immunity? Can they get reinfected?

– I would like to know if you have or know of an attorney that will file a lawsuit against our company director for MAKING us take the jab! I work at a government lab, and we are being forced to take it or be fired by Nov 15th….. Help!! Please!

Day 208 of Year 7 Low-SOS Vegan Plan

* Jog 5k outdoors
* Eye exercise

WATER:  (3) × (25) = 75 oz

* oatmeal w/ peaches, blueberries, walnuts, ground flaxseed, blackstrap XL-molasses, vit C powder, almond milk
* blackbean burger w/ baked potato wedges, natural ketchup & steamed broccoli
* gorilla salad w/ mixed greens, mushrooms, garbanzo beans, bell pepper, cherry/grape tomatoes, shredded carrots, avocado & bbq dressing (Tabasco bbq sauce + “unseasoned” rice vinegar – this means no sugar added!)
* avocado garlic toast
* plain sparkling water w/ shot of soft XL-drink
* couple jr mints


Cmmt: XL indicates uncommon extravagantly luscious food