Day 259 of Year 8 Low-SOS Vegan Plan

* Jog 4k outdoors in sunshine

WATER: (3) × (25) = 75 oz

* pistachios & almonds
* rolled oats, pomegranate, blueberries, vitamin C powder, walnuts, almond milk
* piece of XL-choco/coconut almond
* drive-thru vegan burrito (pinto beans, rice, lettuce, tomato, beyond XL-meat, etc)


Cmmt: XL indicates uncommon extravagantly luscious food

German Parliament Vice President To Investigate Covid ‘Vaccine’ Deaths and Damages

Dec 18, 2022

German Bundestag VP Wolfgang Kubicki says unexplained deaths within 14 days of Covid jab should be automatically investigated by Paul Ehrlich Institute.

Kubicki’s calls come as German research study found 30 percent of deaths that happened “shortly after” vaccine were caused by jab.

Episode 299: DEL UNWRAPPED

Dec 22, 2022

(Love this video b/c they discuss how crazy it is that opting in/out of C19 vaccine has irrationally morphed into a political issue! Makes no sense.)

The Great Unlearn’ Host Cal Callahan never had a podcast pulled, until Del Bigtree. Watch our restream of an interview that dives into the man that made ‘Vaxxed,’ launched ICAN, and walks ‘The HighWire’ every Thursday. It’s Del Unwrapped, on ‘The Great Unlearn.’

Host: Cal Callahan


Actors who got fired for saying NO to the needle

Sept 19, 2022

Stars such as Evangeline Lilly took a firm stance against protocols by attending public rallies while Matthew McConaughey spoke out against administering the vaccine to younger children. 

Other celebrities went one step further and outright refused to receive the vaccine, and subsequently either lost out on high-profile gigs or were outright fired from the production. Here’s a list of all the actors who lost jobs for not being vaccinated.