The Swede on Evidence-Based Approach to Virus

Sweden’s moderate social distancing approach is discussed. In reference to the difference in mortality rates among European countries Dr. Giesecke suggest we discuss it (in retrospect) one year from now, in 2021.


Counter-view in this Forbe’s article:

Last week, 22 scientists from across Sweden claimed the country’s relatively relaxed approach was not working. However, supporters of the country’s approach claim that although the number of deaths will be higher in the short-term, the population will build up a form of “herd immunity” preventing or at least limiting later outbreaks.

Updating with More Data

Dr. John Ionnides sharing his recent research analysis – just as he had suspected, validated with more data. Nevertheless, Covid-19 is more contagious than influenza, so it’s going to take out people with comorbidities faster and more efficiently. As these guys have been saying since March we need to invest more in protecting these precious people. If this is not encouragement to take better care of our bodies, I don’t know what is.

[We need a lot more antibody studies in areas other than Santa Clara County. It needs to be verified elsewhere.]


Update 4/20/2020 & 4/24/2020

USC & LA County Dept of Health are now reporting similar results w/ antibody tests. New York antibody tests are also showing high numbers. Two take-aways:

* Large portion of population has already had the virus

* Many were unaware they had been infected, making transmission from asymptomatic cases highly probable

Cannot discount the fact that we are losing many loved-ones to this virus. Stealth & efficient transmission via asymptomatic cases makes what appears to be a disease (w/ relatively low mortality rate) a serious global health problem.

Here is John Ionnides’ interview – long version:


Short video update:


Regular exercise may reduce the risk of acute respiratory distress syndrome, a major cause of death in patients with the COVID-19 virus.

Research [by Zhen Yan, PhD, of the University of Virginia School of Medicine] suggests that even a single session of exercise increases production of the antioxidant [discussed in article], prompting Yan to urge people to find ways to exercise even while maintaining social distancing.

C-Virus: Different Perspectives

Why have you not seen these guys on your evening news?

These are (long) interesting interviews. Google these names before you hear. Only listen, only consider…

1. John Ioannidis

2. Knut Wittkowski

In the suppression of free speech is scientific consensus.