Day 88 of Year 5 Low-SOS Vegan Plan

* Jog to Just Thinking audio episodes
* Lift upper body

(3) × (25) = 75 oz

* orchard apricots
* pasta salad topped w/ AJ’s Barefoot Dressing
* fresh jackfruit
* potato tacos (sweet + white) w/ salsa, kale, cabbage, carrot, CLA Cheez, tomato on grilled corn tortilla


Cmmt: XL indicates uncommon extravagantly luscious food

Day 87 of Year 5 Low-SOS Vegan Plan

* Hike urban park after picnic

(3) × (25) = 75 oz

* orchard apricots
* veggie sushi w/ dipping sauce
* arrugula & seitan-facon salad
* pasta salad topped w/ AJ’s Barefoot Dressing & sprinkled w/ my Copy Cat Salad Supreme seasoning
* CLA Cheez w/ almond/rice crackers
* bean, rice, lettuce tostada
* club soda w/ soft XL-drink (to cut sugar)


Cmmt: XL indicates uncommon extravagantly luscious food

Blue Zones Lifestyle Article

Why We Eat Too Much, Move Too Little & Feel Stressed All the Time—And What We Can Do to Feel Better


What we eat

We evolved in a context of scarcity, and had to walk or run for miles and scavenge to find food; we had to work for it. When we ate, we did not know when the next time would be. When we had it, we were better off eating the high-calorie food that increased our chance of survival when hungry (greasy food feels appealing). Food was not quick to digest, stomachs also had to work hard for it: meat, fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts. None of these contained “easy” sugary calories. The body that was prone to starvation, evolved to eat it all when available, and store it, and be stingy in its use.

But now, food is just a few feet away, and we can easily consume thousands of calories in one serving. Fatty food, which required days and miles of hunting and scavenging to acquire, is now right there in the fridge or at the McDonald’s. It is like giving full fridge privileges to your Labrador. Easy calories like soda and candies provide a very large amount of energy in a very short amount of time and confuse the whole system. We end up fat and fatigued.

How we move

This body did not evolve to sit at a desk eight hours a day, and then lie on a couch for the rest of the day munching on high-calorie food, looking at a small or large screen. A contemporary American may only walk a few dozen steps to the car, drive to work, ride the elevator to the office, walk a few dozen steps back to the car, get drive-thru food, then be back on the couch. Suboptimal muscles use leads to weaker joint support, and weird postures cause pain. Pain leads to reduced activity, more obesity, and weaker muscles; then comes opioid epidemic, overuse of pain medications, and back surgeries for all!

How we sleep

Before TVs, halogen lamps, and video games, our sleep was regulated by diurnal change in exposure to the big lamp in the sky and environment temperature. Light and sounds got dimmed, the body and brain had time to slow down and get ready for sleep.

Well now, we go 60 miles per hour with TV and music and video games and intense stimulation by the social media (switching through hundreds of subjects in a matter of minutes), and then hope for a good night sleep – that ain’t happening. Quick 60 to 0 is not how our brains are wired.



Day 86 of Year 5 Low-SOS Vegan Plan

* Kickbox
* Bicycle in park

(3) × (25) = 75 oz

* orchard apricots
* veggie burger (Beyond burger, cut lengthwise in half for 2 thin burgers) on whole grain bun, steamed broccoli
* gorilla salad w/ almond crackers, avocado, home made cheez
* biscuit w/ apricot sauce


Cmmt: XL indicates uncommon extravagantly luscious food

Day 85 of Year 5 Low-SOS Vegan Plan

* Harvest orchard
* Jog youtube Colorado Red Rocks Park (alt’g w/ mini-trampoline)
* Lift lower body

(3) × (25) = 75 oz

* orchard apricots & banana
* veggie burger (garbanzo, rice, quinoa) on whole grain bun, bbq white beans w/ fire-roasted corn, steamed broccoli
* rice cake w/ almond butter & blackberry spread
* biscuit w/ apricot sauce


Cmmt: XL indicates uncommon extravagantly luscious food

Day 84 of Year 5 Low-SOS Vegan Plan

* Jog youtube Great Wall of China
* Harvest orchard
* Lift upper body
* Mini-trampoline

(3) × (25) = 75 oz

* orchard apricot, banana, watermelon
* gorilla salad w/ lotsa raw, crunchy veggies, quinoa, pasta, etc.
* pinto beans, rice, guacamole
* fruit salad


Cmmt: XL indicates uncommon extravagantly luscious food

Day 82 of Year 5 Low-SOS Vegan Plan

* Jog youtube Hawaii
* Lift lower body

(3) × (25) = 75 oz

* orchard apricot & banana
* apricot cobbler
* gorilla salad w/ cabbage, kale, endive, black beans, rice, cabbage, tomato, carrots, olives, salsa, avocado, mushrooms
* home-baked corn chips
* fruity/nutty trailmix
* Trader Joe graham XL-cracker
* watermelon


Cmmt: XL indicates uncommon extravagantly luscious food