James Tour, God’s butt kicker, academic hero

March 24, 2024

James Tour Phd is a synthetic chemist and a genius.  He is an expert on OOL (origin of life) chemistry.  He explains why OOL is geologic chemistry, not biologic chemistry.  The chemistry of life is chiral, and thus much more complex than the racemic mixtures made in human laboratories.  The complexity of life is far, far, far more complex than anything that humans can  fully explain at this time in the year 2024 AD.

How to fall back asleep in the middle of the night

Is this guy “reading you mail”? He’s sure reading mine!

If you’re one of the millions of people who wakes up in the middle of the night and can’t fall back asleep, you’re not alone. Did you know that your body is biologically programmed to wake up throughout the night? While waking up in the middle of the night is common, we usually fall back asleep without even realizing it’s happened.

But for some of us, we wake up in the middle of the night…and we’re just…UP. And it can be incredibly frustrating. In this video, sleep expert, Dr. Michael Breus, offers some tips and suggestions for how to fall asleep faster, and how to get back to sleep if you wake up in the middle of the night.

0:00 Why do I wake up at 2-3am?
1:03 Don’t look at the clock
1:45 Non-sleep deep rest
2:30 Going to the bathroom?
2:58 4-7-8 breathing
3:58 What if I still can’t sleep?

😴 Michael Breus, Ph.D., is a double board-certified clinical psychologist and sleep expert. He’s been in practice since 1999 and helped thousands of patients improve their sleep. Dr. Breus has written five books on sleep and conducted over 1,000 interviews to the press and public.

Your Personal Guide to a Better Night’s Sleep

But What About Our Pets? – Biblical Research Institute

We have all enjoyedraisedloved and lost pets. Dogs, cats, rabbits, whatever. And, it is usually a child’s first experiential sense of grief over loss when a pet dies. Almost needless to say, the dispossession of a pet can be as devastating to adults as well as to children.

Will we ever see our beloved pets again, even after death?


Eccl 4:9-5:6 Religion vs Personal Relation with Yeshua

This message was recorded decades ago by J. Vernon McGee, yet still pertinent today. To find purpose in our souls we need something much more genuine than the traditions & ceremonies of man.

“Live for yourself! Do whatever it takes to be happy!”  That’s the state of mind we find King Solomon in as we continue our study of the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes. 

Will the philosophies of egotism or religion bring him the satisfaction he longs for? Find out as we journey through chapters 4 and 5.


Jim Carey Talks About Jesus & Salvation

THE MILLION-DOLLAR QUESTION: Will you go to Heaven when you die? Have you lied, stolen, used God’s name in vain, or lusted (which Jesus said was adultery, (Matthew 5:28)? If so, God sees you as a liar, thief, blasphemer, and adulterer at heart. If you die in your sins, you will end up in a terrible place called Hell. But there’s good news. Though we broke God’s Law, Jesus paid the fine by dying on the cross: “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John. 3:16). Then Jesus rose from the dead and was seen by hundreds of eyewitnesses. He fulfilled all the prophecies of the promised Savior. Please, today, repent and trust Jesus, and God will forgive you and grant you the gift of eternal life (Ephesians. 2:8-9).