Immune System Dysregulation

Apr 30, 2024

Every cancer registry in the world is up with new cases and documented rapid progression of disease aptly termed “turbo cancer.” The trendline went up with the rollout of genetic COVID-19 vaccines. What mechanism could explain an injection of Pfizer or Moderna mRNA and the genesis of cancer?

Kyriakopoulos et al have recently published a thorough investigation into the response by regulatory T-cells after encountering repeated injections of foreign mRNA.

Japan’s Most Senior Oncologist Condemns mRNA Vaccines

Apr 30, 2024

Japan’s Most Senior Oncologist Condemns mRNA Vaccines as “Evil Practices of Science”

As the most senior medical oncologist in Japan, Prof Fukushima has not only led the charge in establishing medical oncology as a key discipline but also pioneered the first cancer outpatient clinic at Kyoto University. His tenure at the Aichi Cancer Center Hospital and innovative leadership in translating research into actionable medical advancements, notably in pharmacoepidemiology, underscore a career dedicated to challenging the status quo for the sake of improving patient care.

His early critique, published in ‘Nature’ all the way back in 1989, (35 years ago!), highlighted the risks of uncritically accepting and distributing drugs with unproven efficacy, exposing a deep flaw within the pharmaceutical approval process in Japan. This bravery in confronting pharmaceutical norms sparked significant reforms, showcasing his commitment to patient safety over complacency.

Prof. Fukushima highlights an alarming development in oncology known as “turbo cancer,” which has emerged following the use of experimental mRNA gene therapy. It’s important to note that while some “fact checkers” may dismiss “Turbo Cancer” as a nonexistent condition, as Wikipedia has done here, it actually refers to what is medically recognized as Hyperprogressive Disease. Therefore, should you encounter a retarded, bought and paid for fact checker on the term “Turbo cancer,” you can direct them to Hyperprogressive Cancer Disease.

Malaysian Doctor APOLOGIZES for Pushing COVID Death Shots

April 2024

He wrote:


1. In light of the recent news about Pfizer, a weakness in the industry, which I am part of, has been revealed.

2. I feel saddened because, before meeting Dr. Razin Jaafar, there were many mistakes in the medical advice I provided, especially concerning COVID.

3. However, I am very grateful to him because I am now more open-eyed and more enlightened about health sciences, which honestly are more natural and fitting to my soul as a medical practitioner and as a Muslim.

4. During the past COVID times, it cannot be denied that it was difficult for health care workers who strived to provide the best health services, and even more difficult for the rest of the citizens facing the lockdown.

5. The administration of the vaccine at that time was seen as the best way, and the mass vaccination program was launched very quickly.

6. I was also involved, in my capacity, in giving medical advice and obtaining ‘consent’ so that the vaccine could be administered.

7. I, as a medical practitioner, also received 3 Pfizer vaccines.

8. Everything happened in a ‘touch & go’ manner, it was impossible for me to identify whom I had given medical advice related to this issue.

9. With this, I would like to apologize a thousand times for the mistakes I had made in the previous years, especially to those who came to me during the mass COVID-vaccination season.

10. Honestly, I am incapable of assisting financially should complications occur.

11. However, I will try my best to provide more holistic medical advice, in line with the Restorative sciences brought by Dr. Razin.

I apologize, Malaysian Citizens!

Dr. Syafiq Nordin Restorative Medicine

Covid Through a Pathologists Eye: Ryan Cole on DarkHorse

March 30, 2024 (video is over 2 hrs long, but worth the time invested)

Bret Speaks with Ryan Cole about his role as a Covid dissident over the last 4 years, and his unique viewpoint as a pathologist. Find Ryan Cole on X: @drcole12 (  / drcole12  ) *****

PS Read comments below this video on youtube for an interesting post-interview story posted by Cole’s sibling.

Is the post pandemic death toll taking a dark turn? Drs. Bossche vs Raszek

April 14, 2024

The first video in a series looking at emerging science either supporting Dr. Geert vanden Bossche doomsday scenario of pandemic turning super deadly vs. why this will not happen as contended by Dr. Mikolaj Raszek. The video looks at Dr. Bossche’s response to previously proposed idea of Dr. Raszek that the nervous system (specifically the vagus nerve) might play a role in virus pathogenicity and why the doomsday scenario is not going to play out. We look at published science that could be supporting Dr. Bossche’s theory.

What we cover:
*Dr. Geert vanden Bossche prediction of an upcoming super deadly virus pathogenicity
*Dr. Mikolaj Raszek opposing view involving the vagus nerve
*E-mail correspondence between the two analyzing Dr. Raszek theory and why Dr. Bossche does not agree
*Emerging science supporting Dr. Bossche’s theory based on virus fusogenicity
*The fusing of cells (syncytia formation) is a hallmark of virus pathogenicity
*We look at the syncitia formation of the latest variants in comparison to the previous most pathogenic variants