Ozempic Makes You Lose More Than Fat – The Atlantic

(You may have heard these same two drugs referred to as Ozempic and Mounjaro, respectively, which are their names when sold for diabetes.) These drugs cause a proportion of muscle loss higher than diet and exercise alone, though roughly on par with bariatric surgery

Feb 2, 2024

– This is a quote from an article in The Atlantic:


Big Pharma Is Fooling You Again, and You Don’t Even Know It

Feb 2, 2024

Is this drug too good to be true? Health advocate Calley Means discusses it.

See related post HERE.

1. Gastrointestinal issues and stomach paralysis:

• “The drug itself, essentially, is stomach paralysis … So there are lawsuits now with people with severe gastrointestinal issues after coming off the drugs.”

2. Weight gain after discontinuation:

• “When you go off the drug, you gain the weight back.”

3. Suicidal ideation caused by Ozempic:

• “Additionally, the EU… just launched a probe into suicidal ideation caused by Ozempic.”

• “We’re actually seeing reports of a mass increase in mental health disorders and even suicidal ideation from Ozempic.”


Rinse w/ Beet Juice?

Reason suggested is that beets are full of nitrates. These stop overgrowth of bad bacteria & reduces oral acidity.

However, using it as a replacement mouthwash may not be a good idea as it can stain teeth.

Juice is even more likely to stain because it is a concentrated form of the vegetable, experts warn.

Whizzed-up leafy greens, such as, spinach and kale, may be a better option – as they are less likely to stain teeth.

Swish it in your mouth, then gulp it down!


Stress Management: Key to a Healthy Thyroid

Thyroid disorders, including hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, have become common due to genetic predisposition and external factors like stress. Stress increases cortisol and adrenaline levels, affecting thyroid function. Managing stress involves deep breathing exercises, meditation, regular exercise, healthy food, sufficient sleep, living in the present, maintaining work-life balance, and seeking professional help. Chronic stress has been shown to affect the thyroid gland in some studies.


Nutritional Documentaries

What the Health https://youtu.be/obx7cJtk3fE?si=D1MDR4-9KbAh4oQy

Forks Over Knives https://rumble.com/v2rlaat-forks-over-knives-2011.html

PlantPure Nation https://youtu.be/A_i_vp9Vfho?si=Q0Nh01D0M2jTp1dS

The Widowmaker https://youtube.com/watch?v=NSPcuGjstN4&si=Dt-4QZ6xTlXXsIQp

Engine 2 w/ RIP Esselstyn https://youtu.be/a3vxUsK01Lw?si=uYBY3AZtu_5JmgND

The Game Changer https://youtu.be/rTGM2KjNGUU?si=yB3RFsOMZgJUXtB2

Eating You Alive https://youtu.be/gMdSUB-Lbp8?si=Si58fnHP3IGYlWXy

Eating https://youtu.be/Ffw94leqpQY?si=8fdpW8iK1WnJFPiq

Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead https://youtu.be/R15FezDA6t8?si=SyGutTPuY2Y0PYke

The Perils of Dairy https://youtu.be/TJvrlwnEqbs?si=Dg_xrrfw4iZWZOa9

Diet for a New America – John Robbins https://youtu.be/x_jH4fUDWqo?si=62OYt-QSyaNmH-7N

H.O.P.E. – What you eat matters https://youtu.be/FprMvJYnD44?si=BhidUt4mrt_wvUVq

Processed People https://youtu.be/v8Q1IQeJcoM?si=GvUBvtQuPGgEE9e7

The Big Fat Lie https://youtu.be/RL7Ic4QAZpA?si=M5b8vpfV5zujON9I

Plant-Based Nutrition | Rich Roll https://youtube.com/watch?v=G5o4ym5in_w&si=jnvAcYZp9Is-MwVS

The Global Junk Food Conspiracy https://youtu.be/urLsbc2Xp_0?si=-Amy0yMM4x_aXisH

The China Study Documentary https://youtu.be/DgJH50ifMxs?si=JxgWl7ZtjqsRyJg7

Food As Medicine https://youtu.be/hynNIf2M6n0?si=iUi0LXX83_LzTIFv

Food Choices Documentary https://youtu.be/hlpySOQ2AsE?si=DFwb_s7g-K4mvOFd

Unsupersize Me https://youtu.be/1OHWWplaMCo?si=BgasFtz1fT1lO5Td

Unsupersize US https://youtu.be/wyul-r6l5o8?si=RJ4qlXlGYxdoLN62

Overfeeding and Undernurished https://youtu.be/5XYbqFDrEco?si=ti58dcZKH1kBZcrH

Meat and Dairy Cause Cancer https://youtu.be/QoBx97JHcKE?si=I4B_gPesoE881hfX

Make Youself Heart Attack Proof – Caldwell Esselstyn https://youtu.be/AYTf0z_zVs0?si=ZVaWIEtleVP8G9OX

Plant based nutrition explained by Dr. Anthony Lim https://youtu.be/BZtpz_6DB38?si=ujkvqKgl-YUtmuK4

Diet For a New America with John Robbins (interview) https://youtube.com/watch?v=G9ws9YDrV_0&si=GNinJhFiPcKSDmOK

Nutrition Docs Playlist https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLygtqCC-x83_7ycHbyp8JKqcF_Y2ggOYm&si=btidYb-DwlZ90ZOs

Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention (Current Trial)

Dr. Dean Ornish and his colleagues are conducting the first randomized controlled trial to determine if the progression of early stage Alzheimer’s disease may be slowed, stopped, or perhaps even reversed by a comprehensive lifestyle medicine program, without drugs, devices, or surgery.

This lifestyle medicine program includes a whole foods low-fat, low-sugar plant-based diet; moderate exercise; stress management techniques including meditation; and psychosocial support.

Results will be published on this website when research is concluded.


What is best way to treat back pain?

Everyone knows that heart disease = lack of blood flow. Stroke in the brain typically = lack of blood flow. Impotence = lack of blood flow to the Johnson. Less are aware that lack of blood flow is major cause of blindness and hearing loss. I call this “TBI” = Total Body Ischemia. Ischemia is most common cause of back pain = title of book I wrote about the spine. Video explains how ischemia causes back pain. To prevent spine ischemia, one does the same things as they do to optimize blood flow to every part of the body. The different types of treatment for back pain are briefly discussed.