Day 231 of Year 2 Low-SOS Vegan Plan 

# Jog 15 min outdoor
# Lift lunch sisters
# Jog 20 min outdoors
# Standing desk 4 hrs

WATER (goal: 75 oz)
(3) × (25.4) = 76.2 oz

* shredded wheat, oatie-o’s, raisin bran, raspberries, strawberries, almond milk
* banana
* gorilla salad
* cheese-free XL-pizza w/ olives, nutritional yeast, oil-free homebaked potato discs
* XL-sweet beverage
* more salad w/ XL-avocado
* rainbow lentil tumeric stew (w/ sweet potato, onion, chopped broccoli, carrots, green and red cabbage, bell pepper, radish, celery, kale, brussels sprouts, chicory)
* Injera bread
* dairy-free almond fudge frozen XL-desert


Cmmt: XL indicates uncommon extravagantly luscious food

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