100 More Days!!

Hello all!

Things have been hectic on the job lately, but I’m very excited about a special countdown anniversary thing starting today. I am exactly 100 days away from my one year Project Waistline anniversary! I have not touched animal products & significantly reduced salt, oil, sugar for 265 consecutive days. I have also exercised consistently (modifying somewhat during my busy work schedule), and in 100 more days I will finally reach the one-year milestone.

My plan is to do a simple, lighthearted, before & after photo thing on my anniversary in March…. and do a long awaited statisticaI update (waist-to-hip ratio, weight). Recall that I stopped tracking these statistics five months ago. The results will be a big surprise to me, if no one else!

At the one year mark I will also conclude my daily diary posts of food/exercise, and devote more time to analyzing and adjusting the program, as needed.

It certainly doesn’t mean I’ll stop eating and exercising this way, it just means I’ll be able to take the time to create some other types of content for my blog and YouTube channel.

I have been somewhat distracted during the last several months, what with the demands at work. However, I do have a holiday coming up in a few weeks at which time I will be able to devote more of my attention to the project.

If you look over my daily menu you’ll see I’ve had lots of XL items of late, probably more than I should have. This may have slowed down my progress, so I am making the decision here & now to eat even *cleaner* than ever over these last 100 days! You will see fewer XL items on my daily menu, and I will try to limit most of these extravagant items to one or two days per week. It’s just my attempt to get “splurging” back under control.

Fact is I probably haven’t lost as much fat as I had hoped to. Yet I have often had this fantasy, “What will I do if I start losing too much weight?” It seems silly because nine months ago I began at a hefty 170 pounds! I’ve eaten plenty, never went to bed hungry. It just seems silly that I would ever be in a situation where I would lose *too* much weight. I have carried excess weight as far back as I can remember in my adult life… at least ever since I started having babies.

Seems like the way to slow weightloss would be to continue the liberal pattern I have developed these most recent months… be more liberal with the XL items that are relatively healthy, the plant-based XL items like avocados, dates, a few more nuts & seeds, more coconut, whole grain bread, etc. I mean, I *know* these things are not the best choices, but I consider them acceptable on rare ocassions. I’ve just had too many “rare ocassions” in my life lately 🙂

Knowing how to slow down the weightloss can be helpful in knowing how to kick it up a notch. That’s what I’m going to be majoring on for the next 100 days…fewer avocados, dates, nuts, seeds, coconut, bread… and for certain fewer sugary beverages.

Okay, sleepytime. Party-on…

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